双语新闻播报(November 28)

2023-11-28 15:39:26

> Why are elections held on Tuesdays?

A voter waits to cast his ballot in the midterm election at Considine Little Rock Recreation Center in Detroit, Michigan, Nov 8, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]


Ever wonder why Americans always vote in federal elections (and many state and local elections) on Tuesdays?


There are a few reasons—including a little something to do with the horse and buggy.


Between 1788 and 1845, states decided their own voting dates.

In 2012, Senate historian Don Ritchie told NPR that that strategy resulted in chaos, a “crazy quilt of elections” held all across the country at different times to pick the electors.


However, there was one constant: white, male property owners would cast their votes for president on the first Wednesday of December.


In 1792, a law was passed mandating that state elections be held within a 34-day period before that first Wednesday, so most elections took place in November.


The glacial pace of presidential elections wasn’t a huge issue in the late 18th and early 19th centuries—communication was slow, so results took weeks to announce anyway—but with the advent of the railroad and telegraph, Congress decided it was time to standardize a date.


Monday was out, because it would require people to travel to the polls by buggy on the Sunday Sabbath.


Wednesday was also not an option, because it was market day and farmers wouldn’t be able to make it to the polls.


So it was decided that Tuesday would be the day that Americans would vote in elections and, in 1845, Congress passed a law that presidential elections would be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

> Sino-US ties to benefit other economies



Despite multiple geopolitical tensions and mounting uncertainties, China and the United States should work together and rebuild trust to bring about a win-win outcome, as closer economic cooperation between the world's two largest economies will benefit even other economies, experts said.


Jin Xu, chairman of the China Association of International Trade, said he sees huge growth opportunities and great potential for Sino-US cooperation, especially in trade, finance, green development, technology and the digital economy.


"I have a rosy view of the future relationship and cooperation between the two countries," he told China Daily in an exclusive interview recently. "Sino-US cooperation will not only benefit businesses and citizens in both nations but also help stabilize and boost global economic development."


Citing the recent meeting between the presidents of the two countries in San Francisco, Jin said that meeting has sent a positive signal, suggesting stabilization and improvement in bilateral ties between the two nations.


He said he expects further moves to enhance mutual trust and deepen ties between the citizens and enterprises of China and the US.


Bilateral trade between China and the US hit a record high of $759.4 billion last year, up 0.6 percent year-on-year, data from the General Administration of Customs showed.


Jin said Sino-US economic and trade ties were impacted by some Western countries' "decoupling" or "de-risking" strategy, adding that such attempts will also harm global trade and investment.


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