High-speed railway speeds ahead


The operation and maintenance personnel of Shizuishan Power Supply Company under the State Grid Corporation of China adopted a "manual + intelligent" approach to inspect the traction substation electrical equipment and power supply lines at the station. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

On Sept 18, along the Huinong-Yinchuan section of the Baotou-Yinchuan high-speed railway, the operation and maintenance personnel of Shizuishan Power Supply Company of the State Grid adopted a "manual + intelligent" mode to inspect the traction substation equipment and power supply lines of the station, providing reliable power support for the official opening of the high-speed railway.

The railway is a crucial component of the Jinglan corridor, a main channel within China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network. It is a significant project outlined in the country's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), serving as a vital transportation route within the core region of the Belt and Road Initiative. Additionally, it stands as the first high-speed railway line in China to connect two ethnic minority autonomous regions, spanning a total length of 518 kilometers.

The picture depicts local power supply personnel conducting a patrol inspection of electrical equipment in the substation. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The Huinong-Yinchuan section of the Baotou-Yinchuan high-speed railway originates from Huinong district, Shizuishan city, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, traversing Dawukou district and Pingluo county of Shizuishan city, and culminating in Yinchuan city, Ningxia. Spanning a total length of 99 kilometers, it is designed to accommodate a speed of 250 kilometers per hour. This railway segment comprises four stations: Huinong South Station, Shizuishan Station, Shahu Station, and Yinchuan Station. Upon its opening, this high-speed railway will play a pivotal role in enhancing the railway backbone network in Ningxia, facilitating the development of the pilot area, and promoting high-quality economic and social progress in Ningxia.

To ensure safe and reliable power supply for the traction substation of the Baotou-Yinchuan high-speed railway station, the Shizuishan Power Supply Company of the State Grid invested in the construction of the 220kV external power supply project for the Ningxia Shizuishan South traction substation of the Baotou-Yinchuan high-speed railway. The project, spanning a total length of 27.5 km, involves the construction of 75 new poles and towers, with a total investment of 66.33 million yuan. The project primarily comprises one main power supply line and one standby power supply line, providing dual power sources for the railway, sourced respectively from the 220kV Chengguan substation and Lanshan substation, thereby ensuring the stability of power supply for the traction substation.

The picture depicts local power supply personnel conducting a patrol inspection of electrical equipment at the substation. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The 220kV external power supply project for the Shizuishan South traction substation in Ningxia features a complex route, traversing through administrative areas such as Pingluo county, Dawukou district, and Huinong district. It necessitates crossing various ecologically sensitive areas including water source protection zones, wetland reserves, and basic farmland. The project entails the modification and relocation of 29 110kV and higher voltage lines, and involves drilling and crossing over 20 10kV and above lines. Additionally, it successfully crosses over the Baotou-Lanzhou Railway, Wuma Expressway, and 302 provincial highways, among others. This complex undertaking is characterized by numerous crossings and significant construction challenges. The intricate external environment poses substantial challenges to the project's construction.

The picture shows electric workers carrying out construction work. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Shizuishan Power Supply Company of the State Grid Corporation of China has made advance planning and careful deployment, actively responded to customers' electricity demands, accurately grasped the electricity consumption of key users, established an internal consultation and coordination mechanism, and promptly addressed enterprises' electricity-related demands by utilizing the "customer manager + project manager" service mechanism of supporting projects. Simultaneously, the company shortened the time limit for power consumption, focused on "sunshine industry expansion", effectively linked various professional departments, and fully implemented the "four fast" characteristic services of fast survey, fast audit, fast acceptance, and fast power on, thereby ensuring early connection and fast delivery for users. During the project construction, the company actively implements policies aimed at optimizing the business environment, helps users enhance the convenience of power supply, and reduces the construction costs for enterprises.

The picture shows electric workers carrying out construction work. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

To ensure the safe progression of the project, the State Grid Shizuishan Power Supply Company has made reasonable arrangements for the commencement of the project and key construction tasks. By coordinating key elements such as safety, quality, and progress, and assigning dedicated personnel for on-site monitoring, prevention, and guidance, the company has fully ensured the safety, quality, and progress of the construction. Additionally, the company has established a coordination mechanism for key projects, consisting of "regular coordination meetings + follow-up supervision", which effectively reduces internal circulation time, ensures the smooth progress of key processes and operations, and lays a solid foundation for the safe and smooth operation of the project.

It is worth mentioning that the project fully embodies the concept of green and environmental protection during its construction process. By adopting mechanized construction throughout the entire process, digital three-dimensional design, and energy-saving new materials, the construction risk is reduced, facilitating the construction of a green low-carbon power grid.

As the first high-speed railway in Shizuishan, the opening of the Huinong-Yinchuan section will greatly facilitate travel for residents in Shizuishan and along the route. It will also provide a strong "track power" for local advantageous industrial clusters, the integration of high-quality resources, and the complementarity of regional industrial chains, which is of great significance for promoting high-quality economic and social development in Shizuishan. State Grid Shizuishan Power Supply Company will continue to focus on ensuring power supply services for high-speed rail operations, regularly organizing staff members to visit stations, assisting in standardized management of power supply and utilization, and conducting risk investigations of power-related facilities around the stations. With professional, high-quality, convenient, and warm power supply services, we aim to make a positive contribution to the safe passage of high-speed rail and local economic development.
