Advanced technology ensures smooth power grid construction in Zhejiang


Mechanization and advanced technologies are being used by State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power to ensure its projects are undertaken with maximum efficiency to ensure all deadlines and targets are met on or ahead of time.

This can be seen across an array of its projects, especially those located in isolated regions with difficult terrain.

No better place can this be seen than on the Tangong 220-kilovolt substation project located in a mountainous area of Lishui in Zhejiang province, where a heavy-duty transport drone was used to lift materials from the foot of the mountain to the construction site on the peak.

By using the drone it takes only 15 minutes to transport materials on each trip, instead of the much longer and more difficult journey by road.

It's not just drones that have increased efficiency in the field of power grid construction, with temporary road pavers, mini drilling machines and intelligent equipment making many sites look like the set of a science fiction movie.

Temporary road pavers, for example, enable heavy machinery to traverse soft and muddy roads more easily, while intelligent integration among multiple moving parts enables coordinated work to be carried out more quickly.

Lishui in Zhejiang province is a mountainous region with a fragile ecology. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power has overcome numerous difficulties in its project thereby using mechanized equipment suitable for mountainous operations. This approach has helped limit the impact on the environment and ensure power grid security and reliable power supply.

In recent years, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power has continuously increased its power grid investments, applying mechanized tools in construction. Staff members have innovated work methods and mechanisms and enhanced the precision of engineering. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power has accumulated a wealth of experience in exploring the application of mechanized construction, addressing challenges in mountain transportation, environmental damage, time-consuming processes and labor-intensive tasks.

In the future, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power plans to adhere to the development of new quality productive forces, promote the mechanization of power grid construction and drive power grid construction toward higher quality and greater efficiency. This effort will enable the company to build itself into a demonstration unit for the State Grid's development strategies and a provincial-level demonstration zone for new power systems in Zhejiang province.
