2019-11-26 09:00:50
(来源:Boredpanda 编辑:丹妮)
每日一词 | 弹性退休制度 flexible retirement system
每日一词 | 弹性退休制度 flexible retirement system
每日一词 | 自动驾驶汽车 autonomous vehicles
每日一词 | 自动驾驶汽车 autonomous vehicles
每日一词 | 人类命运共同体 community with a shared future for mankind
每日一词 | 人类命运共同体 community with a shared future for mankind
每日一词 | 抽水蓄能电站 pumped storage hydropower plant
每日一词 | 抽水蓄能电站 pumped storage hydropower plant
每日一词 | CR450动车组 CR450 bullet train
每日一词 | CR450动车组 CR450 bullet train
每日一词 | 第五次全国经济普查 fifth national economic census
每日一词 | 第五次全国经济普查 fifth national economic census
每日一词 | 战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging industries
每日一词 | 战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging industries
每日一词 | 统一开放的交通运输市场 open and unified transportation market
每日一词 | 统一开放的交通运输市场 open and unified transportation market
每日一词 | 优化消费环境三年行动 three-year action plan to optimize the consumer environment
每日一词 | 优化消费环境三年行动 three-year action plan to optimize the consumer environment
每日一词 | 原材料工业 raw materials industry
每日一词 | 原材料工业 raw materials industry