Xi greets Costa on election as European Council head

作者:WANG QINGYUN来源:China Daily Global
2024-07-05 09:07:16

President Xi Jinping sent a message on Thursday to Antonio Costa, congratulating him on being elected as the European Council president.

China has always regarded Europe as an important pole in the multipolar structure, Xi said. It highly values the role the European Union plays in international affairs and is committed to developing the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership.

Xi said he attaches great importance to the development of China-EU ties, and stands ready to work with Costa so the two sides continue to see each other as partners, deepen strategic communications, advance mutual understanding and political mutual trust, build broad consensus and expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

China and the EU established a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2003 and more than 60 consultation and dialogue mechanisms have been set up between the two sides.

Last year, China and the EU were each other's second-largest trading partners, according to China's Foreign Ministry.

Premier Li Qiang also sent a congratulatory message to Costa on Thursday.
