5月31日,由中国儿童中心和联合国儿童基金会驻华办事处联合主办,中国儿童福利和收养中心协办的“点亮童年每一刻”主题活动在北京正式启动,作为主题活动的一部分,《童年一瞬 影响一生》艺术装置展在中国儿童中心儿童探索馆南侧开幕,展览将持续至六月底,期间还将举办多场积极养育研讨活动,并面向家长发布一系列关于积极养育的实用知识与方法。
An art installation portraying children's experiences in the home setting is on display at the China National Children's Center in Beijing on May 31, 2023. The dishes displayed on the dining table represent opposition to parents disciplining and criticizing their children during mealtimes and advocate for positive parenting.[Photo/CGTN]
An art installation reminding parents of online risks for children is on display at the China National Children's Center in Beijing on May 31, 2023. [Photo/CGTN]
An art installation portraying children's experiences in the school setting is on display at the China National Children's Center in Beijing on May 31, 2023. Questions about a possible school bullying scenario are posed on blue boards of the installation to raise awareness of the importance of providing a safe environment for children at school.[Photo/CGTN]
The art installation titled "You can't do it cake" portrays children's possible experiences in the dining environment, where they might be disciplined and criticized by their parents.[Photo/CGTN]
The art installation named "Emotional abuse," which shares the same pronunciation in Chinese as "cold chestnuts," portrays possible experiences for children in the dining environment where parents may discipline and criticize them during mealtimes. [Photo/CGTN]
(图片来源:中国国际电视台 编辑:丹妮)