The number of Tibetan antelopes in China has quadrupled in the past decades, reaching about 300,000 from fewer than 70,000 in the 1980s and 1990s, according to the country's National Forestry and Grassland Administration.
在英文报道中,double、triple、quadruple 这三个词常用来表达不同的倍数,均可以做名词、动词、形容词和副词,用法很灵活。Double 表示“两倍、双份”或“使(什么)增加一倍”,比如:The editor thinks they can double the magazine circulation by the end of the year.主编觉得他们能在年底把杂志发行量增加一倍。另外,单词 double 在影视领域还指“替身演员”,比如,He worked as a double for Daniel Craig in the film.他在这部影片中担任丹尼尔·克雷格的替身。
Triple表示“三倍,增加两倍”,比如,My rent tripled last month.上个月,我的房租涨了两倍。
Quadruple这个词表示“四倍,四部分,增加三倍”的意思,词性和用法与前面的 double 和 triple 相似。需要注意的是,“增加三倍”其实也就是中文中常说的“翻两番”,所以这两种说法都可以用 quadruple 来表示,比如:Our exports to the US have quadrupled in the past three years.过去三年间,我们对美国的出口额增加了三倍(也就是翻了两番)。
Tibetan antelopes are mostly found in the plateau region of Northwest China, including the Tibet autonomous region, Qinghai province and the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. The species is under first-class state protection in China.
The Sanjiangyuan National Park in Qinghai is a major biodiversity cluster sheltering a considerable number of Tibetan antelopes as well as many other wild animals.
据三江源国家公园可可西里管理处卓乃湖保护站站长秋培扎西介绍,藏羚羊在青藏高原以及可可西里地区,是非常关键的物种,作为生物链当中的基础物种(foundation species ),它支撑着一个完整的生物链系统。
Thriving amid an ever-expanding herd in Qinghai, Xinjiang and Tibet, the Tibetan antelope has been regraded from "Endangered" to "Near Threatened" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.
世界自然保护联盟红色名录(International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List)按照不同物种面临的灭绝风险由重到轻分为:
Extinct or Extinct in the Wild
Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable: species threatened with global extinction.
Near Threatened: species close to the threatened thresholds or that would be threatened without ongoing conservation measures.
Least Concern: species evaluated with a lower risk of extinction.
Data Deficient: no assessment because of insufficient data.
陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals
水生动物 aquatic animals
家畜家禽 poultry and livestock
伴侣动物 companion animal
野生动物保护 wild animal protection
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)