每日新闻播报(August 3)

2021-08-03 15:36:37

Grandparents and children relax at a pavilion in Tianjin. China's average household size is below the "three-person-family" benchmark. [Photo/Xinhua]

>National household survey on elderly life

China will launch a nationwide household survey program on the lives of the country's urban and rural senior citizens. The sampling survey, the fifth of its kind, is expected to collect information about the country's elderly population, including their basic status, family backgrounds and health conditions, as well as the condition of elderly care services. It also will survey the elderly population's financial and living conditions, their social participation, rights-protection awareness, and how they are doing in their cultural and intellectual lives.

The survey will be jointly conducted by authorities and committees, including the office of a national committee on aging under the National Health Commission, as well as the ministries of Civil Affairs and Finance. The survey's findings will be used to support the formulation of China's strategies, planning and policies in response to population aging.


Su Bingtian celebrates after winning his 100m semifinal at Tokyo 2020 on Sunday. The 32-year-old later became the first Chinese to race in an Olympic 100m final, finishing sixth. [Photo/Agencies]


>Su Bingtian clocks 9.98s

Sprinter Su Bingtian ran into the record books at the Tokyo 2020 Games on Sunday when he became the first Chinese athlete to qualify for the men's 100-meter sprint final at an Olympics, setting a new Asian record on the way. Although Su finished sixth, he recorded a respectable time of 9.98 seconds, 0.18 seconds behind surprise winner Lamont Marcell Jacobs of Italy, who clocked 9.8 seconds.

Su stunned the athletics world when he ran his personal best of 9.83 seconds in his semifinal to qualify fastest for the final.

"Actually, I am very happy to run under 10 seconds twice in such a short time," Su said after the race. "The result was satisfying, though my body was not in top form," said 32-year-old Su.


Chinese-Canadian singer and actor Kris Wu performs at the Super Bowl Live Concert held at the VerizonUp Stage on the corner of Nicollet Mall and 8th Street in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, Feb 3, 2018. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]


>Pop star accused of rape, detained by police

Singer and actor Kris Wu has been detained on suspicion of rape.

In a statement posted on Sina Weibo on Saturday night, police from Beijing's Chaoyang district said a 30-year-old Chinese-Canadian man surnamed Wu has been placed under investigation after being accused of tricking young women into having sex. The police said the investigation was ongoing.

The statement quickly went viral on Chinese social media, and many Chinese media outlets, including People's Daily, soon confirmed the detained man was Wu.

Wu's case triggered huge public attention last month when a woman posted statements online alleging he had lured young women and girls under the age of 18 to have sex by claiming he was recruiting actresses. Du said she was one of the victims.

The allegation sparked massive outrage toward Wu, who has more than 50 million followers on Weibo. Several brands severed ties with the star, and some of his promotional activities were canceled.


[Photo/Marvel Entertainment]


>Scarlett Johansson sues Disney

Scarlett Johansson is suing Walt Disney.

The Marvel star filed a lawsuit Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court, alleging her contract was breached when the company released “Black Widow” on its streaming service Disney+ at the same time it debuted in theaters.

Johansson claims her agreement with Disney's Marvel Entertainment guaranteed an exclusive theatrical release for her solo film, and her salary was based, in large part, on the box-office performance.

Disney long held off on releasing major titles like "Black Widow" after the pandemic decimated the movie theater industry.

Theaters around the world were closed temporarily to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

But as coronavirus restrictions eased, vaccination rates rose and the industry began to bounce back, Disney opted to debut new blockbusters in theaters and through Disney+ for $30 simultaneously.

Disney said this hybrid release model was a temporary pandemic fix.


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