2019-11-14 08:56:57
(来源:Boredpanda 编辑:丹妮)
每日一词 | 人工智能行动峰会 the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit
每日一词 | 人工智能行动峰会 the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit
每日一词 | 东北全面振兴 full revitalization of northeast China
每日一词 | 东北全面振兴 full revitalization of northeast China
Set in stone?
每日一词 | 短道速滑 short track speed skating
每日一词 | 短道速滑 short track speed skating
每日一词 | 军队装备科研条例 regulations on scientific research related to military equipment
每日一词 | 军队装备科研条例 regulations on scientific research related to military equipment
每日一词 | 专利审查 patents review
每日一词 | 专利审查 patents review
每日一词 | 第九届亚洲冬季运动会 the 9th Asian Winter Games
每日一词 | 第九届亚洲冬季运动会 the 9th Asian Winter Games
每日一词 | 生育友好医院 birth-friendly hospitals
每日一词 | 生育友好医院 birth-friendly hospitals
每日一词 | 世界经济论坛 World Economic Forum
每日一词 | 世界经济论坛 World Economic Forum
每日一词 | 教育强国 leading country in education
每日一词 | 教育强国 leading country in education
每日一词 | 西部陆海新通道 New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor