Dong people keep culture alive through music


The pipa songs of the Dong people originate from the ethnic group's southern localities. Divided into lyrical songs and narrative songs, the musical form covers almost all aspects of their ethnic history, including myths, legends, stories, ancient rules and principles, marriage rituals, customs and social norms.

The pipa songs of the Dong people were listed as one of China's national intangible cultural heritages in 2011. Their lyrics embody the highest level of Dong poetry and are important materials for anthropological studies.

Yang Gong, 49, lives in Guandong village of Linxi, Sanjiang Dong autonomous county in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. As an inheritor of the songs, Yang can not only compose and sing them, but also make the instrument himself. In his spare time, Yang teaches ancient tunes at nearby villages and schools.



